Monday, March 23, 2009


With YouTube blocked at school I was trying to find away to move them to TeacherTube so they aren't blocked. If you go to you can copy and past the URL from YouTube into their website and save a file of that video. Then you can take the file and download it into your TeacherTube account so you can access it at school. I'm new at YouTube so this was exciting to me. :) I'm a little behind the times.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We want to see if this is going to work.

Friday, January 9, 2009


This week I've been into networking on my delicious account. When I started it I wasn't sure how I would use it. Now that I've spent more time working with it I really like the possiblities of having a network of people who can share their bookmarks with you. The other great thing was the subcriptions you can get by collecting other people's website by how they tag them. You have be careful though because if you type in something too general you'll get a lot of websites. I need to spend some more time on this but I'm hoping to find some really great resources for my classes next semester!