Thursday, September 11, 2008

Successfully had class use Google Docs

My first block just successfully colaborated on a group document using Google Docs. Overall it worked really well. Most students had to create a google account. One thing to keep in mind if they are making a new account, is that they have to go into their email to verify the account before they are going to be able to use it.

Then I had one group member create the document they would all be working on. Then that student shared the document with their other group members. It took some students a while to see the document that was shared. There were a few documents that were shared that never showed up. Those students then had another person create one and share it again and it seemed to work.

The biggest problem we ran into was one group kept having an alert show up saying that the changes they made as a collabortor would be deleated. This happened to them more than once and they had to then coordinate with one another who was going to type at what time. Does anyone know why this was happening.

Overall, students were resistant at first but during our discussion after using it they thought it was really useful.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to see you try it with a large group. Makes me more confident to try sometime. I wish I could answer why you had the quirkiness that your class had, but I can't. I've only had individuals use GoogleDocs and not collaborate. Way to go!

Mr.Rother said...

I have had the issue where the documents haven't shown up when they were invited, but I have never had the issue with people'es edits being erased. I have always used presentation though...where people tend to be working on different slides at the same time.

Karen said...

Wish I could offer an explanation for that quirk, but I can't -- sorry! Glad that (overall) it worked well . . . it sounds like you processed it with the kids. Will you be doing it again?